16th Alpine Verification Meeting (AVM’24)

A meeting on verification, model checking, and abstract interpretation.

Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany ┆ Wed 4 - Fri 6 September 2024

The Alpine Verification Meeting (AVM) is a series of informal meetings on current problems in formal verification, which started in 2005 (in Lausanne, CH). The goal is to bring together PhD students and other researchers from the region surrounding the Alps.

The 16th Alpine Verification Meeting (AVM’24) will take place on 4th - 6th September 2024, in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. This year’s meeting is organized by the Software Engineering group at the University of Freiburg.

We strongly encourage each participant to give a short talk during the meeting. There is no formal review process. Upon registration, each participant can simply give a tentative title and an abstract for a talk. The idea is to update each other on their ongoing research.

Organisers: Dominik Klumpp, Matthias Heizmann, Andreas Podelski
AVM Team: Elisabeth Henkel, Frank Schüssele, Nico Hauff, Vincent Langenfeld

Important Dates  
Registration opens 4 June 2024
Registration ends 31 July 2024
Meeting 4-6 September 2024


The meeting will open with a keynote by Philipp Rümmer, University of Regensburg and Uppsala University, on Automatic Program Instrumentation for Automatic Verification.


VMCAI is providing funding for students from Eastern Europe in case they could not otherwise attend AVM, because their institution provides only limited funding for student travel. (If this applies to you, find more information on the registration page.)

AVM’24 is sponsored by certora, Amazon AWS and SICK.

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